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Dosing Nutrients for Aquatic Plants

Dosing Nutrients for Aquatic Plants

Aquarium plants require proper care and maintenance for healthy and vibrant growth. Dosing liquid fertilizer is one of the most effective ways to provide essential nutrients to aquarium plants. Aquatic plants can absorb nutrients directly from the water column, and adding a complete liquid fertilizer ensures they have all the essential nutrients needed for optimal growth.

A complete liquid fertilizer helps control algae and maintain a healthy and lush ecosystem. Faster-growing plants in high-energy setups with additional CO2 require more nutrients to fuel their growth. Adding a fertilizer that contains the macro nutrients nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate (NPK) is necessary for optimal plant growth. NPK alongside micronutrients such as Boron, Copper, Manganese, and Zinc gives the best results. Examples of good complete fertilizers include Tropica Specialised Nutrition, 2hr Aquarist APT Complete, and TNC Complete.

Lower energy aquariums with dimmer lighting, slower-growing plants, and no additional CO2 injection should be dosed with a micro-nutrient liquid fertilizer. This will ensure stable growth with less chance of algae. Some good options are Tropica Premium Nutrition, TNC Lite, and Easy Life Profito.

Regular weekly water changes should be carried out to prevent the build-up of excess nutrients, which can lead to algae growth and other problems. Water changes also help maintain water quality and keep the aquarium environment healthy for the fish and plants.

In addition to dosing liquid fertilizer and regular water changes, it is essential to provide adequate lighting and proper substrate for the plants. It is also recommended to remove dead or decaying plant matter regularly and trim plants as needed to promote healthy growth.

Overall, by following proper nutrient dosing techniques, along with other care and maintenance practices, you can achieve healthy and beautiful growth from your aquarium plants, creating a stunning aquatic environment for your fish and aquatic pets.

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Peter Cookson Director
Owner and founder of Riverwood Aquatics, Pete is a keen aquascaper and lover of all things aquarium.
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