SuperFish Biotope Set Africa


EAN: 8715897350016Availability: 2 in stock
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SuperFish Biotope Set Africa: Recreate the African River Environment

The SuperFish Biotope Set Africa is a comprehensive collection of natural products designed to optimize water conditions and enhance the natural environment of your African aquarium. This set offers a variety of botanicals and decorative elements to create a realistic and thriving biotope.

Key components of the SuperFish Biotope Set Africa include:

  • Catappa leaves: These leaves release tannins and humic substances into the water, mimicking the natural conditions found in African rivers. Catappa leaves can help lower pH levels, reduce stress, and promote healthy fish.
  • Green and red Longan leaves: These leaves provide additional natural health benefits and water conditioning properties. They can help improve water quality and create a more natural environment.
  • Decorative items: The set includes dried cedar roses, small driftwood, small Spiderwood branches, and coconut flower to add visual interest and provide hiding places for your fish.

To use the SuperFish Biotope Set Africa, simply rinse the products carefully with tap water before adding them to your aquarium. These natural products can colour the aquarium water, indicating their effectiveness in improving water quality. Some parts may float initially, but they will typically sink after 7 to 8 days.

If you prefer to speed up the sinking process and reduce the release of tannins, you can boil the botanicals before adding them to your aquarium.

This product is not recommended for Rift Lake Cichlids, as they prefer a higher pH level.

By using the SuperFish Biotope Set Africa, you can create a more natural and healthy environment for your African fish. The set’s combination of natural products and decorative elements will help to replicate the conditions found in their native habitats, promoting their overall well-being and vibrant colours.

.For more information please see our GUIDES section.

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Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg